Sunday, October 11, 2009

Two Common Myths Associated with Acetaminophen

There are many myths that are associated with OTC drugs, but when considering those related to acetaminophen 2 common myths frequently come up. Below are 2 common myths and the information to nullify them:

1. Acetaminophen causes liver damage in alcoholics

  • Previous information we have provided warns people who consume 3 or more alcoholic beverages a day to moderate and monitor their intake of acetaminophen as it may increase the chances of liver damage over a long period of time. There have been no studies that directly link occasional acetaminophen use and liver damage in alcoholics.   
      Click here for more information.

2. Acetaminophen use in children causes asthma

  • Several studies have researched the development of asthma in children that consistently use acetaminophen. Although studies have linked heavy acetaminophen use in children to the increased risk of asthma development many doctors still recommend using acetaminophen for fevers over 101. Like many other OTC medications acetaminophen should be monitored.
       Click here for more information.

New myths related to acetaminophen use in adults and in children are surfacing daily. However, there are several studies and research projects varifying the validity of these myths. It is best to always practice safe acetaminophen administration including:

  • ALWAYS use the recommended dose and dosage time when taking acetaminophen
  • ALWAYS use the provided measuring tool for liquid forms
  • ALWAYS consult a healthcare provider if you are taking other medications to assure it is safe to take acetaminophen in combination
  • If you think you are suffering any of the side effects associated with acetaminophen overdose CONTACT YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY

Kuffer EK, Dart RC, Bogdan GM, Hill RE, Caper E, Darton L. Effect of maximal daily doses of acetaminophen on the liver of alcoholic patients. Arch Intern Med 2001; 161:2247-2252.
DeNoon, D. J. (2008, September 18). Baby Acetaminophen Tied to Asthma. Retrieved from

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